Constant Flow Pumps
In this section you can create new, copy, or modify constant flow pump library members.
Note: Standard TRACE library members cannot be modified or deleted.
Product tab
Full Load Energy
Default: 22 W/gpm, 348701.1 W/(m3/s)
Typical Range: 0 to 999,999,999,999,999
Units: W, hp, kW, therms, W/(m3/sec), W/(gpm), W/(L/sec), W/((m3/sec)·Pa), W/(gpm·ftH2O), W/((L/sec)·Pa)
Enter the Full load energy consumption value and select the appropriate units to describe the amount of energy consumed by this pump.
Pump Head
Default: 60 ft H2O, 179352 Pa
Typical Range: 0 to 999,999,999,999,999
Units: Pa, kPa, ft H2O
This numeric field contains the pump’s rated head pressure.
Motor Efficiency
Default: 90%
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Units: %
This numeric field contains the pump’s efficiency in terms of percent. For example, if 90% is the desired motor efficiency, enter 90 into the field and not 0.9.
Motor Heat to Fluid
Default: 100%
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Units: %
This value is the fraction of the motor heat that is added to the fluid stream. A value of 0 means that the motor is completely outside the fluid stream. A value of 100 means that all of the motor heat loss will go into the fluid stream and act to cause a temperature rise. This value must be between 0 and 100.
Flow Control
Default: Continuous
You can choose either Continuous or Intermittent. The operation of a constant speed pump is fairly straightforward. If you designate a constant speed pump that is operating continuously, the pump will run regardless of whether or not there is a load. This may have the net effect of adding motor heat to the loop if no equipment besides the pump is turned on. If the pump is constant speed and operates intermittently, the pump will run at its full load capacity if there is a load on the loop and will cycle off if there is no load on the loop. Applicable availability managers (ref. Availability Manager Assignment List*) may override this control by forcing the pump to be on or off.