Data Sweeps

What is Parametric Optimization with Data Sweeps
These analysis allow for deeper understanding of your model by running cloud based parametric sweeps of the variables that are sensitive in your model. Runnin the iterations of these variables will allow you to determine the optimized values that will help you meet your goals.  
Check out this video to see the functionality in action:  Data Sweeps 
How to perform Data Sweep Parametric Optimization 
1. Run an Energy & Economics calculations in the cloud 
2. Go to Advanced Analytics 
3. Select the Sweeps tag (Note: it is not necessary to run a Sensitivity Analysis before a Data Sweeps analysis although it may be helpful to determine the sensitive variables in the model) 
4. Select Grouped or Detailed parameter view 
5. Select the parameter category in which you would like analyzed (Note: The values must be selected for each alternative.  To shift between alternatives select the alternative drop down in the top left area of the application) 
6. If Detailed is selected additional details are available 
1. Select the entire category or subcategories of the parameters you would like analyzed 
2. Expand subcategories and the default values can be used or they can be altered 
3. The min, max, and the increment can be used. 
1. The minimum value is the starting point for the analysis. 
2. The maximum value is the most that can be utilized but may not be the final value depending upon whether the increment is evenly divided 
3. The increment is the step that will be taken to perform the analysis 
7. Return to the Calculate results screen 
8. Obtain your estimated Token count to run the analysis by hitting the Refresh button in Tokens to run 
9. Obtain your company’s Token balance by clicking on Get Available Tokens 
10. The simulation will not run if there is an insufficient balance.  To obtain more tokens select Purchase tokens 
11. Check the Run box and change the Simulation Method to Data Sweeps for any needed alternatives that have been run in Energy and Economics in the cloud. 
12. Begin the calculation by clicking the Start analysis button. 
13. Upon completion navigate to the Analytics Results section and choose the Data Sweeps tab on the top left. 
Filtering your results 
The datasweeps results will show all of the iterations. These can be filtered to view the runs that optimize your goals.  
To filter:  
  • Choose the input or output variable to filter 
  • Hover over the line showing variable range 
  • When the cursor turns into a + sign, click +hold and drag to select your range 
  • This will remove the iterations outside of the range you selected 
  • Filtering can be done for one or all variables 
  • To remove the filter from a variable, hover over the line and click on an area outside of the filtered range