Entered Values Reports
Project Information - This is the title page; it includes all the details provided in the initial Project description or later edited in the Project Details button that is found in the bottom auxiliary menu tools.
Envelope Entered Values Report
This list all Construction Categories used in a a project then lists all surfaces using that construction element. U-Factors, F-Factors, Gross Area, Azimuth, Cardinal Direction, and Adiabatic if selected are indicated.
The Room Information Entered Values report details the templates, Internal Loads including people, lights and miscellaneous loads, and Airflows for a space.
The Zone Information Entered Values report covers the zone thermostats, their schedules, and lists all rooms per a zone.
The Room Geometries Entered Values report lists the floor-to-floor height, top of floor elevation, ceiling elevation, occupied floor area, internal volume, and has checkboxes for both drop ceiling and raised floors.
This report is useful for identifying potential sliver spaces created. Rooms where the floor space is below 0.5 ft2 will show a blank for the occupied floor area. These rooms should be eliminated by merging with neighboring rooms, deleted, or be enlarged.