Trace 3D Plus
User Guide

General Ventilation

The standard library members under this category contain Infiltration, Room Exhaust, and Ventilation rates.  obtained from two sources: ASHRAE Standard 62.1- 2007, 2010, and 2013. In this category, the ventilation library member details screen displays the following fields that must be defined: 
Defines the name of the library member. Standard library members can’t be modified. Make a copy and edit it if changes to a Standard member is needed.
Standard or User-Defined
Either General or a version of 90.1. 62.1 and 170 ventilation codes are part of General.
Library Filter
Which units library(s) is the item associated with.
Formatted X.Y.Z. – This shows when the library member was added to the program. Where X is the program version, Y is the library schema version and Z is the number of times the library member has been edited.
This references where the data came from.
The letter “T” will indicate what table if any was the source of the information.
Flow Rate
The design outdoor air volume flow rate. The rate can be defined as a rate per area (cfm/sqft.), per person (cfm/person), air changes per hour or by the full design volume (cfm).
Default Value: Per ASHRAE 62.1-2013 table 2 depending on the Application
Typical Range: 15 to 60 cfm/person
Min & Max: 0 to 100,000
Units: cfm, cfm/ft2 , cfm/person, ACH; (m3/s)/person, (m3/s)/m2,    m3/s, L/s