Heating Mode

Capacity Curve
This equation uses a least square method with a set of performance coefficients to simulate heat pump performance. The equation for the Capacity Curve is:
Qc = Load Side Heat Transfer Rate
Qc,ref = Highest Cooling Capacity / Design Cooling Capacity
C1-C5 = Equation Fit Coefficients for Cooling Mode Capacity
TL,in = Entering Load Side Water Temperature, K
Tref = 283.15 K
TS,in = Entering Source Side Water Temperature, K
= Load Side Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s
= Supply Side Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s
The curve has the following fields:
X Axis:Tload (°F)
Y Axis: Full Capacity (%)
Power Curve
This biquadratic  curve shows the percentage of full load power as a function of the load. The equation for the Power Curve is:
Powerh = Power Consumption in Heating Mode
Powerh,ref = Highest Power Consumption/ Design Power Consumption Capacity
D1-D5 = Equation Fit Coefficients for Cooling Mode Capacity
TL,in = Entering Load Side Water Temperature, K
Tref = 283.15 K
TS,in = Entering Source Side Water Temperature, K
= Load Side Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s
= Supply Side Volumetric Flow Rate, m3/s
The curve has the following fields:
X Axis:Tload (°F)
Y Axis: Full Capacity (%)