Trace 3D Plus
User Guide

Product tab

Nominal Cooling Capacity
Default: Auto Size
Typical Range: Auto Size
Min Max: -999,999 to 999,999
Units: W; kW; tons; Btuh; Mbh
This numeric field contains the nominal cooling capacity of the chiller.
Nominal Heating Capacity
Default: 80% Clg Capacity
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: % Clg Capacity
This fraction represents the heating capacity as a percentage of the cooling capacity at rated conditions.
Full Load Power in Cooling
Default: 1% Clg Capacity
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: % Clg Capacity
This field represents the ratio of the instantaneous electricity used divided by the cooling capacity at rated conditions. If the chiller is both heating and cooling, only the greater of the computed cooling and heating electricity is used.
Full Load Power in Heating
Default: 0.5% Htg Capacity
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: % Htg Capacity
This field represents the ratio of the instantaneous electricity used divided by the nominal heating capacity. If the chiller is both heating and cooling, the greater of the cooling electricity and heating electricity is used.
Optimum Part Load Ratio
Default: 100
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This is the part load ratio at which the chiller performs at its maximum COP. It represents the most desirable operating point for the chiller.
Sizing Factor
Default: 100%
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field allows you to specify a sizing factor for this chiller. The sizing factor is used when the chiller is autosize. The sizing factor affects the following calculations: Nominal Cooling Capacity, Design Chilled Water Flow Rate, Design Condenser Water Flow Rate and Design Hot Water Flow Rate. Sizing Factor allows to size a component to meet part of the design load while continuing to use the autosizing feature.
Design Water Temperatures
Design Entering Condenser Water Temperature
Default: 84.2°F (29°C)
Typical Range: 82 to 86°F (28 to 30°C)
Min Max: -130 to 158°F (-90 to 70°C)
Units: °F; °C
This field represents the temperature of the water entering the chiller’s condenser when operating at design conditions. For Water Cooled Chillers, this is the temperature delivered by the cooling tower.
Design Leaving Chilled Water Temperature
Default: 44.6°F (7°C)
Typical Range: 43 to 45°F (6.11 to 7.22°C)
Min Max: -130 to 158°F (-90 to 70°C)
Units: °F; °C
This field represents the temperature of the water leaving the evaporator of the chiller when operating at design conditions
Condenser Temperature Type
Default: Entering Temperature
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: Entering temperature, Leaving Temperature
Units: N/A
This field determines if the temperature dependent performance curves have on the x axis the Leaving or Entering condenser temperature. Manufacturers express the performance of their chillers using either the leaving condenser water temperature (to the tower) or the entering condenser water temperature (from the tower).
Leaving Chilled Water Temperature Low Limit
Default: 35.6°F (2°C)
Typical Range: 34 to 36°F (1.11 to 2.22°C)
Min Max: -130 to 158°F (-90 to 70°C)
Units: °F; °C
This field is the chilled water supply temperature below which the chiller will shut off.