Trace 3D Plus
User Guide

Product Tab

Rated Cooling Capacity
Default: Auto Size
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: 0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: W; kW; Btuh; Mbh; tons
This field specifies the total, full load gross cooling capacity (sensible plus latent) of the DX coil at rated conditions (air entering the cooling coil at 26.7 °C DB/19.4 °C WB, air entering the outdoor condenser coil at 35 °C DB/23.9 °C WB, and a cooling coil air flow rate defined by the rated air flow rate field). Capacity should be gross (i.e., the effect of supply air fan heat is not accounted for).
Rated Full Load Energy Rate
Default: 3.7 COP
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: 0.11 < X < 2,999,999,999
Units: COP; EER; KW/KW; KW/MBh; KW/ton; MBh/ton; therms/(ton-hr)
The Rated Full Load Energy Rate is the ratio of the gross total cooling capacity to electrical power input of the DX cooling coil at rated conditions. The input power includes electric power for the compressor(s) and condenser fan(s) but does not include the power consumption of the supply air fan.
Condenser Type
Default: Air-Cooled
Typical Range: Air-Cooled, EvaporativelyCooled
Min Max: 0.11 < X < 2,999,999,999
Units: N/A
This field specifies the type of condenser applied to the Split Faced Air-Cooled unit.
Condenser Pump Rated Power (For Evaporatively Cooled Condenser)
Default: 0 W
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: 0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: W; kW; hp; therms
This field specifies the rated power of the evaporative condenser water pump. This value is used to calculate the power required to pump the water used to evaporatively cool the condenser inlet air. This field is not used when Condenser Type = Air-Cooled.
Cycling Rate (For latent degradation model)
Default: 0 cycles/hr
Typical Range: 3 cycles/hr
Min Max:  -100,000,000,000,000 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: cycles/hr; cycles/s
This field specifies the maximum on-off cycling rate for the compressor, which occurs at 50% run time fraction. A value of 0 means the latent degradation model is disabled.
Latent Time Constant (For latent degradation model)
Default: 0 s
Typical Range: 45 s
Min Max:  -100,000,000,000,000 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: s
This field specifies the time constant for the cooling coil’s latent capacity to reach steady state after startup. A value of 0 means the latent degradation model is disabled.
Hot Gas Reheat
Enable Hot Gas Reheat
Default: No
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max:  N/A
Units: N/A
This field determines whether or not the Split Faced Air-Cooled unit will model heat reclamation from the superheated refrigerant and gas leaving the compressor. The superheated refrigerant coil reheats the air downstream of the DX cooling coil.
Heat Reclaim Efficiency
Default: 0%
Typical Range: 25 to 30%
Min Max:  0 < X < 30
Units: hp; kW; W
This field defines the ratio of recovered waste heat from the superheated refrigerant gas to the total rejected waste heat from the heat pump (as if no heat reclamation occurred).
Parasitic Electric Load
Default: 0
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max:  0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: hp; kW; W
This field specifies the parasitic electric load due to control valves or other devices specific to the hot gas reheat coil operation. The load is applied whenever the coil is heating the air. Note that the electric load is small and does not contribute to the reheat.
Dehumidification Control Type
Default: None
Typical Range: None, Cool Reheat
Min Max: N/A
Units: N/A
This field determines the type of dehumidification control. The following options are valid for this field:
None - meet sensible load only, no active dehumidification control. If the system control type is SingleZoneVAV then dehumidification control must be set to None.
If the dehumidification control type is specified as CoolReheat, the DX coil will cool beyond the dry-bulb temperature set point as required to meet the high humidity setpoint. The reheat coil will then heat the supply air back to dry bulb setpoint. In order to apply a dehumidification control strategy make sure to add a relative humidity sensor in the Configure Systems system schematic.
Time for Condensate to Begin (For latent degradation model)
Default: 0 s
Typical Range: 1000 s
Min Max:  0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: s
This field determines the nominal time after startup for condensate to begin leaving the coil’s condensate drain line at the coil’s rated airflow and temperature conditions, starting with a dry coil. The nominal time is equal to the ratio of the energy of the coil’s maximum condensate holding capacity (J) to the coil’s steady-state latent capacity (W). A value of 0 means the latent degradation model is disabled.
Evaporation Ratio (For latent degradation model)
Default: 0
Typical Range: 1.5
Min Max:  0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: N/A
This field determines the ratio of the initial moisture evaporation rate from the cooling coil (when the compressor first turns off) and the coil’s steady-state latent capacity at rated airflow and temperature conditions. A value of 0 means the latent degradation model is disabled.
Basin and Crankcase Heater
Crankcase Heater Capacity
Default: 0 Btuh
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max:  0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: Btuh; kW; MBh; W
This field determines the compressor crankcase heater capacity. The crankcase heater is enabled for any time when the outdoor air dry bulb temperature is below the Crankcase Outdoor DB Limit and the compressor is not running. To simulate a unit without a crankcase heater, enter a value of 0.
Crankcase Outdoor DB Limit
Default: 50°F, 10°C
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max:  0 < X < 100,000,000,000,000
Units: °F, °C
This field determines the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature above which the compressor crankcase heater is disabled.