Product Tab

Heat Exchanger Type
Default: Plate
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: Rotary, Plate
Units: N/A
There are two types of sensible and latent heat exchanger: Plate, like a fixed plate and Rotary, like a rotary cylinder or wheel. The type of heat exchanger determines the frost control options to prevent frost formation and to control the supply air outlet temperature. For Plate, the air is bypassed around the heat exchanger, for Rotary, the rotational speed is varied.
Parasitic Energy
Default: 0 W
Typical Range: 0 to 0.4 kW
Min Max: -999,999 to 999,999
Units: W, kW, hp
This field represents the electric power consumed by the controls or motor of the rotary heat exchanger. The electric power is considered constant when the unit is operating and it doesn’t contribute to the thermal load of any of the air streams.
Economizer Lockout
Default: Yes
Typical Range: Yes
Min Max: Yes and No
Units: N/A
This input denotes whether the heat exchanger unit is locked out (bypassed for plate or if the rotation is suspended for rotary type) when the air side economizer is operating. The input choices are Yes (meaning locked out) or No.
Cooling Effectiveness at 100% Airflow
Default: 33
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the sensible heat exchange effectiveness at the cooling condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 100% of the supply air flow rate calculated.
Cooling Effectiveness at 75% Airflow
Default: 37
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the sensible heat exchange effectiveness at the cooling condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 75% of the supply air flow rate calculated.
Heating Effectiveness at 100% Airflow
Default: 33
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the sensible heat exchange effectiveness at the heating condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 100% of the supply air flow rate calculated.
Heating Effectiveness at 75% Airflow
Default: 37
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the sensible heat exchange effectiveness at the heating condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 75% of the supply air flow rate calculated.
Cooling Effectiveness at 100% Airflow
Default: 0
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the latent heat exchange effectiveness at the cooling condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 100% of the supply air flow rate calculated.
Cooling Effectiveness at 75% Airflow
Default: 0
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the latent heat exchange effectiveness at the cooling condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 75% of the supply air flow rate calculated.
Heating Effectiveness at 100% Airflow
Default: 0
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the latent heat exchange effectiveness at the heating condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 100% of the supply air flow rate calculated. If the heat exchanger does not transfer latent energy, specify this value as zero.
Heating Effectiveness at 75% Airflow
Default: 0
Typical Range: 0 to 100
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: %
This field is the latent heat exchange effectiveness at the heating condition defined in Table1 with both the supply and exhaust air volume flow rates equal to 75% of the supply air flow rate calculated. If the heat exchanger does not transfer latent energy, specify this value as zero.
Frost Control
Frost Control type
Default: None
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: N/A
Units: N/A
There are four options for this control: None, Exhaust Air Recirculation, Exhaust Only and Minimum Exhaust Temperature.
None: For modeling preheat frost control, specify none for this input field and insert a separate heating coil object in the supply inlet air stream to keep the air temperature above the desired frost threshold temperature.
Minimum Exhaust Temperature: the temperature of the exhaust air leaving the heat exchanger is monitored and the heat exchanger effectiveness is decreased (by slowing heat exchanger rotation or bypassing supply air around the plate exchanger) to keep the exhaust air from falling below the threshold temperature.
Exhaust Only (supply air bypass): this control cycles off the supply air flow through the heat exchanger for a certain period of time while the exhaust air continues to flow through the exhaust side of the heat exchanger. The fraction of time that the supply flow through the heat exchanger is cycled off is dependent on the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature with respect to the threshold temperature, the initial defrost time fraction, and the rate of change of defrost time fraction. For this frost control type, it is assumed that the supply air is bypassed around the heat exchanger during frost control operation.
Exhaust Air Recirculation: dampers are used to direct exhaust air back into the zone through the supply side of the heat exchanger when the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature falls below a threshold temperature (defined in the next input field).  The fraction of time that exhaust air is circulated through the supply side of the heat exchanger depends on the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature with respect to the threshold temperature, the initial defrost time fraction, and the rate of change of defrost time fraction. When exhaust air is being recirculated, no supply (outdoor ventilation) air is being provided through the heat exchanger unit.
Table 2. Typical threshold temperatures for Frost Control
Frost Control Type
Heat Exchanger Type
Energy Exchange
Threshold Temperature
Exhaust Air Recirculation
30°F (-1.1°C)
Exhaust Air Recirculation
Plate Sensible + latent
10°F (-12.2°C)
Exhaust Air Recirculation
Rotary Sensible-only
10°F (-12.2°C)
Exhaust Air Recirculation
Rotary Sensible + latent
-10°F (-23.3°C)
Exhaust Only
30°F (-1.1°C)
Exhaust Only
Sensible + latent
10°F (-12.2°C)
Exhaust Only
10°F (-12.2°C)
Exhaust Only
Sensible + latent
-10°F (-23.3°C)
Minimum Exhaust Temperature
35°F (-1.7°C)
Minimum Exhaust Temperature
Sensible + latent
35°F (-1.7°C)
Minimum Exhaust Temperature
35°F (-1.7°C)
Minimum Exhaust Temperature
Sensible + latent
35°F (-1.7°C)
Threshold Temperature
Default: 35°F (1.7°C)
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: N/A
Units: N/A
This numeric field is available only for the Minimum Exhaust Temperature control type is selected. It defines the dry-bulb temperature of air which is used to initiate frost control. The appropriate threshold temperature varies with exhaust (inlet) air temperature and humidity, frost control type, heat exchanger type, and whether the heat exchanger transfers sensible energy alone or both sensible and latent energy (enthalpy). Typical threshold temperatures are provided in Table2. However, it is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s information for the specific air-to-air heat exchanger that is modeled.
Defrost Time Fraction
Default: 0
Typical Range: 0 to 1
Min Max: 0 to 1
Units: N/A
This field is available for Exhaust Air Recirculation or Exhaust Only control types are selected. It defines the fraction of the simulation time step when frost control will be invoked when the threshold temperature is reached. This field is only used for the Exhaust Air Recirculation and Exhaust Only frost control types.
Typical value for Exhaust Air Recirculation frost control is 0.083 (5 min / 60 min)
Higher initial defrost time fractions are typically required for Exhaust Only frost control (e.g., 0.167 = 10 min / 60 min). For best results, obtain this information from the manufacturer.
Rate of Defrost Time Fraction
Default: 0.08
Typical Range: 0 to 1
Min Max: 0 to 999,999
Units: 1/°F; 1/°C; 1/°R; 1/K
This field defines the rate of increase in the defrost time fraction as the supply (outdoor) air inlet temperature falls below the threshold temperature. This field is only used for the
Exhaust Air Recirculation and Exhaust Only frost control types.
Typical value for Exhaust Air Recirculation frost control is 0.012 (0.72 min / 60 min per degree C temperature difference)
Higher values are typically required for Exhaust Only frost control (e.g., 0.024 = 1.44 min / 60 min per degree C temperature difference). For best results, obtain this information from the manufacturer.