Terminal Devices

Clicking the Terminal Devices button will expand the list of terminal devices available for the system type that is being created.  Only available terminal devices will be populated in the terminal devices list.  For example, VAV boxes will not be available in the Constant Volume system category. 
One and only one type of terminal device must be selected for each system library.  Some systems use multiple types of terminal devices such as a fan powered boxes on some zones and shutoff boxes on others.  In this case, the most common terminal device should be used when creating the system library.  Terminal boxes can be changed on a zone by zone basis at the project level. 
All systems are required to have a terminal device.  Constant volume systems don’t always have a physical terminal device.  In this case, the Diffuser terminal device should be used.  This simply represents a terminal box with no VAV damper, fan, or reheat coil.
The Diffuser represents a diffuser into a zone that has no VAV damper, fan, or coil. 
Library Type:  N/A
Placement Rules:  Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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CV Terminal Reheat
The Constant Volume with reheat terminal device is used in constant volume systems in order to reheat the supply air before it enters the zone.
Library Type:  Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Electric
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Hot Water
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Gas
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Steam
Placement Rules:  Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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VAV Terminal
The VAV Terminal is used to control the supply air of a VAV system using a VAV damper but has no coil or fan. 
Library Type:  N/A
Placement Rules:  Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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VAV w/Reheat
The VAV with reheat terminal device is used to control the supply air of a VAV system using a VAV damper. The terminal box also contains a reheat coil to heat supply air before it enters the space. 
Library Type:  Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Electric
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Hot Water
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Gas
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Steam
Placement Rules: Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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VAV Fan Assisted Reheat
The VAV with fan assisted reheat terminal box contains a VAV damper to control airflow into the space as well as a heating coil in series with a variable speed fan. The fan controls the amount of supply air entering the zone and is commonly found in UFAD systems.   
Library Type:  Heating Coil:  Electric
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Hot Water
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Gas
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Steam
Equipment:  Fan:  Variable Volume
Placement Rules: Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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Parallel Fan Powered VAV
The parallel fan powered VAV boxes contain a VAV damper to control airflow into the zone as well as a heating coil in parallel with a constant volume fan that recirculates air from the zone. Only the recirculated air passes through the fan but both the recirculated and supply air passes through the heating coil. The air entering the zone is equal to the sum of the supply air and the recirculated air. 
Library Type:  Heating Coil:  Electric
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Hot Water
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Gas
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Steam
Equipment:  Fan:  Constant Volume
Placement Rules: Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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Series Fan Powered VAV
The series fan powered VAV boxes contain a VAV damper to control airflow into the zone as well as a heating coil in series with a constant volume fan that recirculates air from the zone. Both the recirculated and supply air pass through the fan and the reheat coil. The air entering the zone is equal to the sum of the supply air and the recirculated air. 
Library Type:  Heating Coil:  Electric
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Hot Water
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Gas
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Steam
Equipment:  Fan:  Constant Volume
Placement Rules: Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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Dual Duct CV
The dual duct constant volume terminal device is only available in the Dual Duct system category.  Dual duct systems have separate air paths for hot and cold air.  These air streams are mixed in this terminal device in order to adequately condition the space.  Different proportions of the hot and cold air may be mixed but the sum of the airflows will be constant.
Library Type:  N/A
Placement Rules:  Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box. 
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Dual Duct VAV
The Dual Duct VAV terminal device is only available in the Dual Duct system category. Dual duct systems have separate air paths for hot and cold air. These air streams are mixed in this terminal device in order to adequately condition the space. Different proportions of the hot and cold air may be mixed and the total supply airflow may vary.
Library Type: N/A
Placement Rules: Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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Four Pipe Induction
The Four Pipe Induction terminal device comes with a water cooling coil and water heating coil. Centrally conditioned air is forced through this terminal unit through a nozzle, inducing room air to flow over these terminal coils. The unit has two inlets and two outlets so the unit can do cooling and heating simultaneously. This terminal device is only available in the Chilled Beam and Induction category.
Library Type:  Equipment:  Cooling Coil:  Water (Simple)
Equipment:  Cooling Coil:  Water (Detailed)
Equipment:  Heating Coil:  Water
Placement Rules:  Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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Chilled Beam (Active) and Chilled Beam (Passive)
The Chilled Beam terminal device is used to do sensible cooling on centrally conditioned and dehumidified supply air. This terminal device includes a cooling coil. The chilled beam can be set to active or passive in the terminal device properties. This terminal device is only available in the Chilled Beam and Induction category.
Library Type: N/A
Placement Rules: Terminal devices are placed in the supply air path directly before the demand box.
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