Trace 3D Plus
User Guide


Content: These objects calculate the performance of zone (room) air dehumidifiers. They are meant to model conventional direct expansion (DX) cooling-based room air dehumidifiers (reject 100% of condenser heat to the zone air), but these objects might be able to be used to model other room air dehumidifier types.
Note: Standard TRACE library members cannot be modified or deleted but they can be copied and edited.
Product Tab
Rated Energy Rate
Default: 0
Typical Range: 0.49 – 1.11
Min Max: 0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (this field cannot be left blank)
Units: gal/kWh; L/kWh
This numeric input is the energy factor (i.e. liters of water removed per kWh of electricity consumed) at rated conditions (air entering the dehumidifier at 26.7°C [80°F] dry-bulb and 60% relative humidity, and air flow rate as defined by field “Rated Air Flow Rate” below). This is a required input field and the entered value must be greater than zero.
Rated Air Flow Rate
Default: 0
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: 0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (this field cannot be left blank)
Units: L/s; cfm; m3/s; m3/hr
This numeric input is the volumetric air flow rate through the dehumidifier at rated conditions (air entering the dehumidifier at 26.7°C [80°F] dry-bulb and 60% relative humidity).  This is a required input field and the entered value must be greater than zero.
Rated Water Removal
Default: 0
Typical Range: 1 to 6 gal/day
Min Max: 0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (this field cannot be left blank)
Units: gal/day; L/day
This numeric input is the full load water removal rate for this object at rated conditions (air entering the dehumidifier at 26.7°C [80°F] dry-bulb and 60% relative humidity, and air flow rate as defined by the field “Rated Air Flow Rate”). This is a required input field and the entered value must be greater than zero.
Parasitic Electric Load
Default: 0
Typical Range: N/A
Min Max: 0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (this field cannot be left blank)
Units: W; hp; kW
This numeric input represents the parasitic electrical energy draw associated with this object.
Operational Limits
Maximum DB Limit
Default: 95°F
Typical Range: 85°F to 100°F
Min Max: 0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (this field cannot be left blank)
Units: °F; °C
This numeric field defines the maximum inlet air dry-bulb temperature for dehumidifier operation.
The dehumidifier will not operate if the inlet air temperature is above this value. This input value must be greater than the Minimum Dry-Bulb Temperature for Dehumidifier Operation, and the default value is 95°F.
Minimum DB Limit
Default: 50°F
Typical Range: 45°F to 60°F
Min Max: 0 to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (this field cannot be left blank)
Units: °F; °C
This numeric field defines the minimum inlet air dry-bulb temperature for dehumidifier operation.
The dehumidifier will not operate if the inlet air temperature is below this value. This input value must be less than the Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature for Dehumidifier Operation, and the default value is 50°F.