Trace 3D Plus
User Guide

Multi-Stage Electric

The multi stage electric heating coil is a simple capacity model with a user-inputted efficiencies at different stages. In many cases, the efficiencies for the electric coil will be 100%. The coil can be used in the air system or in the zone equipment as a reheat coil. Depending on where it is used determines if this coil is temperature or capacity controlled. If used in the air loop system it will be controlled to a specified temperature scheduled from the controller. If it is used in zone equipment, it will be controlled from the zone thermostat by meeting the zone demand.
Number of Stages
Default: 2
Typical Range: 1 to 3
Min Max: 0 to 999,999,999
Units: NA
This is the maximum capacity of the coil. This controlled coil will only provide the needed capacity to meet the control criteria whether it is temperature or capacity controlled. This field is autosizable.
Nominal Heating Capacity (Each Stage)
Default: Auto sized
Typical Range: NA
Min Max: 0 to 999,999,999
Units: W, kW, tons, Btuh
This is the maximum capacity of the coil. This controlled coil will only provide the needed capacity to meet the control criteria whether it is temperature or capacity controlled. This field is autosizable.
Efficiency (Each Stage)
Default: 100%
Typical Range: 100%
Min Max: 0 to 100
Units: NA
This is user-inputted efficiency (decimal units, not percent) and can account for any loss. In most cases for the electric coil, this will be 100%.
*See the Reference page for resources used in the help documentation.