Trace 3D Plus
User Guide
Simulation Setting
In the Simulation Settings sub-section, parameters that influence the simulation can be adjusted on an alternative by alternative basis. These settings are broken down into three categories; General Settings, Load Design Parameters and Energy Simulation Parameters.  For novice users it is strongly recommended to utilize the defaults settings that are provided with the program as some parameters have significant implications to both accuracy and runtime that should be understood before making adjustments.
In the General Settings tab, parameters that impact both load design and energy or economic analysis are defined. In the Load Design Parameters tab, parameters that are either specific to HVAC equipment sizing or have a stronger influence on the HVAC sizing can be adjusted, even though some settings on this tab may still have a minor influence on energy and economic simulation. In the Energy Simulation Parameters tab, parameters that are either specific to energy or economic simulation or have a stronger influence on energy or economics can be adjusted.